3 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures That Can Enhance Your Smile Appearance

3 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures That Can Enhance Your Smile Appearance

Posted by Pei Peng Feb 05,2023

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Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you. If you want to enhance the appearance of your smile, talk to your cosmetic dentist about cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Dental Veneers

The smile makeover process begins with a consultation where the dentist evaluates the patient’s oral health and discusses his or her goals for the smile. If veneers are chosen, the next step is to prepare the tooth or teeth, receiving them by removing a small amount of enamel from each tooth. This is necessary to ensure that the veneer fits comfortably within the mouth. Impressions are taken of the upper and lower jaw and sent to a lab where the custom veneers will be created for the patient. Temporary restorations are placed in the meantime. At the next appointment, the temporaries are removed, and the final porcelain veneers are bonded to the natural teeth. These restorations can address a variety of aesthetic imperfections, including chips, stains, gaps between teeth, and more. Most patients are able to care for their veneers the same way they care for the rest of their teeth with regular brushings and flossing. Patients can discuss with their dentist if they have any questions or concerns about caring for these restorations.

Teeth Whitening

When compared to other types of cosmetic dentistry procedures, teeth whitening is one of the most affordable options available. This treatment uses hydrogen peroxide to bleach away stains that have accumulated on your teeth over time. Through this process, patients can achieve a brighter and whiter smile that looks years younger.

In comparison with other cosmetic treatments, the affordability of teeth whitening makes it a popular option. Professional teeth whitening treatments offer several advantages over over-the-counter whitening products because they are supervised by a dentist. These treatments are more effective at removing deep stains caused by years of consuming dark foods and beverages like coffee, tea, or red wine. In addition, these treatments are safer because the bleaching agent can be adjusted to avoid harming the tooth enamel. During in-office tooth whitening, your dentist will apply a protective barrier over the gums before applying the whitening gel to the surfaces of your teeth. After the treatment, you will be sent home with your custom at-home whitening trays that you can complete on your own time until your desired level of brightness is achieved.

Another common type of whitening is take-home whitening. During this procedure, patients will obtain a custom tray that is designed to fit over the teeth like a mouth guard. The tray is filled with a special bleaching solution that contains a higher concentration of peroxide than over-the-counter products. The patient wears the trays for approximately one hour a day until their teeth are at their ideal shade. These at-home solutions use a lower concentration of peroxide and are less expensive than in-office procedures.

Though most types of teeth whitening are relatively safe, there are some cases where a person should reconsider their candidacy for treatment. Patients with sensitive teeth will experience discomfort with post-treatment sensitivity. Furthermore, if a person has severe discoloration in their enamel, they will likely need additional dental work before undergoing teeth whitening.

Invisalign Orthodontics

Patients who are worried about how metal braces will affect their appearance during orthodontic treatment should consider Invisalign, which uses clear aligners for discreet treatment. The Invisalign process begins with an initial consultation where the dentist will assess the patient’s smile and take bite impressions to send to the lab, where the customized aligners will be fabricated. Patients will need to wear the aligners for about 22 hours a day and take them off to brush their teeth and eat meals. Every two weeks, patients will receive a new set of aligners to gradually move the teeth into their correct positions. In addition to being virtually invisible when worn, the aligners are also removable, so patients don’t have to worry about dietary restrictions while undergoing treatment.

To learn more, please get in touch with us through online consultation or by calling us, and we’ll guide you further.

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